Take advantage of a great opportunity for students in environmental engineering. Designed to encourage students to obtain a Masters Degree, and to increase the number of talented professionals with advanced degrees practicing in the United States, this program offers funding for students attending one of many outstanding Environmental Engineering programs across the nation, in return for a two-year employment commitment.

Sponsored by premier public agencies and private engineering firms, the program aims to further prepare students who have a broad interest in various environmental engineering fields, such as municipal water, wastewater, solid waste, air quality, water resources, hazardous waste, sustainable engineering and energy recovery. Since the start of the program in 2005, almost $1.3 Million has been provided to approximately 80 students obtaining a Masters Degree in Environmental Engineering.

For the flyer click here.

For the master's funding application click here.

Universities interested in participating in the program may find more information and submit an application.

Engineering companies and universities can learn more about joining this program by contacting us.


"We're funding the best and brightest who want to make a difference. We want to hire top quality environmental engineers, and we are convinced that this funding program will attract them."

Michael W. Selna, BCEE
Past President of AAEES
Environmental Engineers of the Future

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